This post has taken far too long to write. It is about a run (more accurately a slog) that I did last November, but really it starts earlier. Last April […]
Trip Report: Langtang Fast Pack
It was something that hovered in the back of our minds. Stretching our legs in Kathmandu led us to the top of Shiva Puri, a mountain on the north side […]
Setting an Only Known Time on the Kathmandu Valley Rim Trail (KVRT)
Introduction Update: This post was originally part trip report from an OKT attempt in late November, 2015 and part guide for the Kathmandu Valley Rim Trail. In May, 2017, I […]
And the earth moved…
My last real post was six months ago – about the Annapurna Trail Race and my attempt to set a fastest known time. When I wrote that – I was […]
The Annapurna Circuit: Going round and round.
Hour 62: I’ve been running, walking, stumbling for the past 62 hours and it has been 19 since my last nap – 2 hours of blessed downtime wrapped up in dirty […]
Making tracks – The Great Himalaya Trail
I am way overdue for a post about the Great Himalaya Trail (GHT), the so called ‘holy grail of trails’ or the ‘trail to rule them all’. And yep, it was […]
Heading Out – The Great Himalayan Traverse
I run down the street and catch my reflection in the window of the Seattle coffee shop, momentarily startled thinking it is another runner on my heals. Hipsters inside are […]
Annapurna Circuit Recap
How to write up ~10 days fast-packing the Annapurna Circuit? One strategy was to wait for Scotty to post his story. After being back in the states for a few […]