I’m starting to feel the pressure to get on facebook. Partly has to do with push/pull. Blogger has no real adequate push mechanism. You can only add up to ten email accounts for push notification. Even if you hook up a mailing list through a mail host, you still need to manually manage emails or ask visitors to create another account. No one really wants to do that. At the same time, I don’t really want to post what is going on within Facebook because I don’t like (among other things) that it is largely a closed, proprietary system. I looked into adding a blog feed from blogger to a facebook account and then stumbled across this site which asserts that you are then giving facebook rights/ownership to your blog entries. Yuck. So, with a little bit of experimenting…I think I have the workaround in place that the site mentions. It is a little confusing – but basically blog entries are passed to twitter via twitterfeed.com every 30 minutes or on demand when logged into twitterfeed. The twitter application in facebook then posts the tweet along with a url to the blog entry. So far I have tested it with a couple tweets direct from twitter and a test blog post from here – logged into my new fb account in one browser and my sister’s in another. Crazy. We’ll see if this works…
This is interesting Seth. I think it’s good to have some literacy on these things. Having just been on vacation, I also had opportunity to consider whether these technologies are something I want to step away from, at least from time to time (e.g. “tethered to your job”; leashes). With social media, I can’t help but think I’d like to stratify my own personal circles a bit more, with some info circles revolving around family, others around friends, and others around colleagues. FB seems a mishmash of all, at least right now. I think FB will make for an interesting business study over the next few years.