I’m in my sister’s car speeding toward northern New York and the Adirondacks where I hope to spend a few days relaxing with friends and family before heading back to Seattle on Thursday. Boston is well behind us but I do still have sand in my running shoes as well as some really good memories.

The plan yesterday was to have ‘an easy day’ and to stop on the outskirts of Boston and then to finish the run today. But by early morning I had a good feeling that I wanted to just finish the run. I kept thinking I could smell the salt water and the weather was perfect. I made a few phone calls, posted what I could, and just kept running – finishing the journey at 6pm. Running along the Charles and then through downtown with my sister Robin and cousin Harold accompanying me on bikes was a great way to end the run. Have a nicee weekend everyone. It was a great adventure. Thanks!

Miles: 3,384
Days: 107

5 thoughts on “Done! Transcon Run

  1. This has been my favorite reality show of the summer. Congratulations! Truly an incredible story. Let me know the next time you are in Portland. My kids have a million questions for you

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