What I’ve been up to in the Northwest June 1st – July 10th:

High Divide Trail Olympic National Park Adventure Run 26m

Joined up with Brandi Garcia. We ran from Boulder Creek Camp over Appleton Pass and up the high divide trail to Bogachiel  Peak and back. Lousy weather. Thank you Mary for the amazing dinner.


Glacier Peak Summit (10,541ft, 3,213m) 

July 3rd-4th. On the one year anniversary of our Great Himalaya Traverse – teamed up with John & Kathleen  and Edith Buitrago from Colombia. Our goal was Glacier Peak which is considered the most remote volcano in Washington. It took us a long time to get there including a 14hr round trip to the summit from our camp near White Pass. It was the first summit of Glacier for all of us and Edith’s first technical climb. We arrived back at the trail head after three days: sunburned and sore, dirty, exhausted, hungry, dehydrated, but smiling as the Cascades will usually do for one’s soul. Thanks to Emanuela Agosta for the trail beta!



Snoqualmie Pass to Puget Sound Adventure Run 74m

June 27th. What an adventure. Thanks Tim Scharks for the ride, aid station and doing my last climb with me. And great to see Lisa Garcia on Mercer! 24:40.


Chinook Pass Ultrapedestrian Wilderness Challenge 34m

June 20th. it was supposed to be 32 miles but I got lost at the start and added a couple bonus miles. This loop is to the east of Mt. Rainier and covers some beautiful trail with a solid chunk of it on the PCT with huge views. I took my own sweet time and recorded my tracks with a gps and also satellite points every 10 minutes. Sadly no elk. Gladly no mountain lions. Much thanks to Kathy Vaughan for designing this challenge.


Beacon Rock 50k

June 13th. It’s hard to beat the Columbia Gorge soaked in sunshine. The gorge always brings up memories of my run through it in 2012 – but much nicer to be on trails and without a baby jogger this time! I love thinking about Lewis and Clark coming through here too. Big thanks to Pablo Cabrera for driving down with me and to Matt Palilla and Megan Myers for putting us up in Portlandia. The best part of the weekend might have been watching both kick ass on the trail with Matt winning 1st overall in the 25k and Megan taking 3rd place female in the 50k. Very cool! I wish I could have seen them finish but then I would need to be faster than them and that is not going to happen. Thanks also to Mary and Brandi Garcia for the trail conversation and Yassine Diboun & Animal Athletics & Trail Butter for running the best aid station on the course, Glenn Tachiyama for great photos, Matt and Kerri Anne Stebbins for everything, Pizza Jim, The Pine Hearts for great music. Fun camping out and running with Matt P., Megan M., Matt F., and Shannon L.


Rattlesnake to Seattle Adventure Run 65m

June 6th. A recce for a full trip someday from the pass. This was a route I bailed on a couple years ago in the snow and rain. Conditions were much better this time – maybe too hot though. Underestimated things and finished around 3 in the morning at my house. Thank you Stephanie Grundel for the ride to the trail head, and running the ridge with me. Nice to run into Linda Barton and Michelle Maislen as well!





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